
Archive for the ‘Mystic Messages’ Category

A Post from Rosemary worth the read: “LIVING BEYOND”

February 23, 2017 Leave a comment

Let’s start examining Life on Planet Earth as it REALLY is, not as it appears to be. Living BEYOND the 3 Dimensions we think of as ‘reality’ gives us a much bigger picture in which to operate. Can you grasp that concept? Do these words resonate with you?

In a series of newsletters I will be teaching about the Dimensions and how to live Beyond 3-D. My guess is that you already know a lot of this but there has been no way (or no where) to discuss your experiences. In the coming days, I hope you’ll join our Community to share and to explore.

Here is an introduction to the concept of Living Beyond:

“The Levels of Consciousness are accessible to those who are willing to move beyond 3-Dimensional thinking and expand their awareness. The process of expanded awareness is simple and yet no one is taught this as a child young enough to embrace the practice as habit, although some children come into the world with a remembrance.

Why would anyone want to experience expanded awareness? The simple answer is that solutions to problems lie beyond the circumstances that created them.

For example, if a person is having an issue with another person’s behavior, they can choose to judge that behavior based on previous exposure to that behavior or they can reach beyond their own experience to allow for the possibility that the other person has a different set of past experiences at play in the situation. For example, when a couple gets to start a life together, they may have different family traditions that clash – one person’s family always opened birthday presents in the morning and the other’s after dinner. Is one way ‘right’ and the other ‘wrong’? No, they are both neutral options. But it might never have occurred to each partner that there was another way to do it until they stepped out of their own experience and saw another possibility.

If someone in the workplace seems to be slowing down on the job it might look as if they are being lazy. The truth might be that they have a sick child who is keeping them up all night and they are merely tired.

These may seem like trivial examples but they illustrate the point that a narrow focus does not always provide the full information about what is going on.

Now let’s step further beyond 3-Dimensional Consciousness.

Do you believe that there are more than 3 Dimensions or do you think ‘this is it’?

What if Time were the 4th Dimension?

Maybe this linear thing we humans call ‘Time’ isn’t really the total picture?

The truth is that all Time exists in this present moment.

I’ll say that again.

All Time exists in this present moment.

There is the history of remembrance and the energy of creating the future. But it is all in this present moment.

If Time is a Dimension that encompasses the 3-Dimensions we are familiar with, then we are really always ‘In Time.’ (This is not the same as being always ‘ON time,’ as in meeting a friend for lunch at precisely noon. We use clocks and 3-D time so that we can agree on a time to be at the restaurant together.) We are constantly creating the future by our choices in the present moment. We can recreate the choices we have made in the past (our history) or we can choose to do things differently.

Thinking of Time in this way shifts our Consciousness into an expanded awareness of how powerful a creative force we can be in every moment of our lives. And when we realize how powerful we have been in creating the circumstances of this moment, we can channel that power into creating the expanded life of our dreams.”

This is only the beginning of understanding the Levels of Consciousness. Stay tuned for more teachings about this!

Rosemary’s Exploration

July 25, 2016 Leave a comment

This exploration is all about choice. We can choose our experiences in every moment. This is the way to live a Conscious Life.

You can choose to listen to the guidance from The Divinine Feminine tonight; go here for details and registration:

The Divine Feminine Speak

Interesting Image

Who Has a Fun MRI?

I recently had my first MRI done.  Everything I had heard about Magnetic Resonance Imaging was a bit daunting.  The noise is horrible.  You’ll feel claustrophobic.  I couldn’t go through with it!  You have to lie still for so long.

It was enough to make me wonder if I really wanted to go through with this test.

But I don’t let other people’s experiences define my experience.  I decided that I was going to have fun with this procedure.

I went in with a cheerful attitude and a positive frame of mind. I decided that I would meditate during the test so I asked for quiet instrumental music as I put on the headphones.  As I was moved into the big machine, the noises started.

I thought about sound and sound frequencies as vibrations and tuned in to the vibrations I was experiencing as the machine whirred around me. I decided to ask the vibrations to clear out anything in me that wasn’t vibrating for my highest good.  When the sound shifted to a new frequency, I asked that frequency to also clear out whatever I didn’t need.

I started to feel that there were healing angels with me and that they were working on me as I lay there.  Each time the frequency changed I felt a new experience of power and healing and light.  I saw different colors and felt myself being lifted.

I felt happy.  I had a big smile on my face.  I was tripping out!

And then it was over.  I was moved out of the machine and the technician removed my headphones.  I thanked him and said I had had a great time.  He said that not every patient felt that way.

What made the difference?  The machine was the same.  The test was the same. (I am fine, by the way.)  The noise levels were the same.  The duration was the same.  Why was my experience so different from others’?

I decided to have a different experience.

This is an opportunity that we have in every moment – to decide what kind of experience we are going to have.  It is our choice how to respond to the situation in which we find ourselves.  We may not be able to change the circumstances but we can decide how we will operate within those circumstances.

An Event happens.  We have a knee-jerk Reaction.  We hit the Pause Button. And then we choose our Conscious Response.

Event -> Reaction -> Pause -> Conscious Response

Next time you find yourself in a situation, any situation, remember this formula and DECIDE how you will respond.  I had a great time getting an MRI.  And if I ever have to have another one, I know that it, too, will be fun because I’ve already decided that it will be.



October 29, 2015 Leave a comment
My “two minute” video: Who Do You Trust?
Hubble Finds That the Nearest Quasar Is Powered by a Double Black Hole
This artistic illustration is of a binary black hole found in the center of the nearest quasar
host galaxy to Earth, Markarian 231. Hubble observations of the ultraviolet light emitted
from the nucleus of the galaxy were used to deduce the geometry of the disk. (Looks like
the Taiji symbol to me!)


ROSEMARY’S EXPLORATION: Choose to Live Your Richest Life

October 26, 2015 Leave a comment

Choose to Live Your Richest Life

Have you ever gotten so tired of the way things are going that you say to yourself, ‘Enough!’? Maybe it is your finances or your exercise regimen or your weight or what you eat or a job that doesn’t satisfy you or a relationship that doesn’t serve your highest good. Have you reached a point where you have had enough and you’re ready to choose a different path?

Sometimes things have to get really terrible before we make that choice. You have to ‘hit bottom’ before you start to pull yourself up. Or maybe the Universe has to hit you on the head with a 2 by 4 to get your attention.

I am trying to learn my lessons before it reaches that point. I confess that I don’t always shift in time to avoid the 2 by 4, though. My goal is to help you learn to make the shift BEFORE that 2 by 4 hits you.

Many of my clients come to me because they feel ready to shift but don’t know what their next step is. This is the perfect time to start working on yourself and your personal growth. Others, though, come only after they’ve been knocked down and can’t figure out how to get themselves picked up. That’s okay, too, as we do figure out what to do next.

But don’t you want to avoid the drama? Avoid the ‘I must do something’ scenario and be proactive about making choices in your life?

The first step is to realize that you are always at choice. Even when it feels as if you can’t do anything to make a change, you are deciding (choosing) to stay the way things are.

There is a big difference between feeling that things are horrible, that they must change and knowing what to do to make that change. This is where it is important to ask for help.

Even if you don’t get help from a professional, for whatever reason, at least talk to a trusted advisor or friend. You don’t have to navigate big shifts alone!

Sometimes it is important to find someone to see what you cannot see, to help you find possibilities that, when you are stuck in the quicksand of a messy situation, are difficult to sort out. This is where seeking help is so important. Someone outside of the quicksand can see what is hidden from you and steer you in the direction of what you want instead of what you feel is holding you stuck.

A client of mine recently told me that she was driving along and suddenly realized that that day was the ‘ideal day’ that she had written as her homework from one of our early appointments. She was living that day and loving it! And was thrilled at the difference between when she started the process and where she is today.

You can have the same experience. Stop doing what you’ve been doing that keeps you stuck where you are uncomfortable, in any area of your life. Ask for help. Seek your ideal day. Choose a different path. One step at a time, one behavior at a time, one action at a time.

Your Richest Life awaits you!

ROSEMARY’S INSPIRATION: Wisdom versus Learning

October 23, 2015 Leave a comment
My “two minute” video: Wisdom versus Learning


ROSEMARY’S EXPLORATION: Work Toward Wisdom, Not Just Learning

October 9, 2015 Leave a comment

Work Toward Wisdom, Not Just Learning

The Dimensions of Learning are not the same as the Dimensions of Wisdom. With Learning comes Wisdom but the goal of Human Evolution of Consciousness is to access the Wisdom of the Universe without all the painful lessons through which most human beings must pass.

The human realm is an educational realm. The human lifetime is spent learning lesson after lesson and, it is to be hoped, gaining wisdom with each lesson learned.

Not every human being, however, is successful in this endeavor, for many choose to use every lesson as an opportunity to reinforce what they already believe to be true and, thus, they close themselves off from the opportunity to learn something new.

When one learns something new it can challenge one’s deeply held beliefs, or what one wants to believe is true. It is, therefore, easier for some to discard or deny the new truth so that they can cling to the old belief. These people cannot gain in wisdom and will not ascend in Consciousness.

Those, however, who seek Wisdom and see every learning experience as an opportunity to gain access to further Wisdom are ascending to the Dimension of Wisdom and are contributing to the Evolution of Human Consciousness.

Are you ascending? Are you learning to access the Dimension of Wisdom or are you continually encountering the same lesson over and over again?

Experience is not Wisdom.
Education is not Wisdom.
Information and Knowledge are not Wisdom.

Wisdom is the transcendent understanding of the deepest truths of the Cosmos.

Wisdom, when accessed by one who is ascending in the Evolution of Human Consciousness, informs one’s human life and cannot be denied or ignored.

One can only learn that which one is ready to learn. The Wisdom of the Cosmos is unchanging truth that is not incrementally or temporarily true. One can be highly educated on Earth and yet have little access to Wisdom, just as one can access many levels of Wisdom without Earthly education.

Do not make the mistake that an educated person is sharing the Wisdom of the Cosmos. You will know when a person is accessing the Dimension of Wisdom when a part of your Being, your Soul Essence, resonates with the Wisdom being presented even when your personality, on the human level, is resistant because your beliefs are being challenged.

Trust the stirrings of your Soul when you are being invited into the Dimension of Wisdom. The invitation is a Call to Ascend. With each step in this direction you contribute to the Evolutionary Journey of Human Consciousness.

ROSEMARY’S INSPIRATION: Wisdom versus Learning

October 5, 2015 Leave a comment
Rosemary’s “two minute” video: Wisdom versus Learning


September 4, 2015 Leave a comment
Rosemary’s “two minute” video: How Big is Your Dream?
Today’s NASA/ESA image, dated August 27, 2015, is The Hubble Space Telescope team’s  updated image of the dying binary star system (the last shot was from 1997). It is the Twin Jet Nebula named for the twin jets of ejecting gas unfurling like the iridescent wings of a butterfly. The seemingly magical effect stems from the stars’ unusual interaction with each other — while only one star is ejecting its outer layers, the other (an already-shrunken white dwarf) is pulling those layers in opposite directions.
There is so much magic in the Universe!

Want this information as soon as Rosemary publishes it? Visit her website to subscribe to the MoonLetter and receive a 7-minute destress meditation to help you unwind!


ROSEMARY’S EXPLORATION: Find Something to Celebrate

August 12, 2015 Leave a comment

There is always something you can celebrate, even if you don’t feel like celebrating. Seek it. Be on the lookout for something to celebrate all day long.

When you are looking for a celebration it is difficult to stay depressed or angry or sad. Of course, you can CHOOSE to say to yourself or to others, ‘My life is so bad that there is nothing to celebrate.’ Or you can choose to say or think, ‘I wish she would stop being so cheerful. HER life might have something to celebrate but mine doesn’t.’ And then you can list all the reasons why there is nothing to celebrate.

Well, let me clue you in. No one’s life is so perfect that they are not dealing with some issue in their life. It might be minor at the moment but it was and will be huge at some point.

Everyone loses someone they love at some point in life – a grandparent, a pet, a friend. Some choose to focus on the loss while others choose to concentrate on a celebration of the life that was shared, for a long time or a short time but always a valuable time.

Which kind of person are you? What do you choose to focus on when you experience a loss? Can you find something to celebrate?

I’ve been to funerals that were all about the loss and I’ve been to funerals that were huge celebrations of the person who has died. The second kind is more healing for those who attend.

This is not to deny the grief that arises when we lose someone we love. That grief is real and should be honored in whatever way is healing for the individual.

BUT, and this is a big but, you are always at choice about where you focus your attention, your thoughts, your energy.

Do you celebrate when things are going well for you or do you keep looking for the thing that is not going well and focus on that? Do you have some ‘magical thinking’ about the if/only’s in your life? What are you waiting for that when X happens you will be happy?

Start celebrating something, anything in your life today and watch what happens. Start setting your radar detector to seek that which you can celebrate and notice what starts showing up on your radar screen. The energy that you use for the search attracts that which you are searching for. Search for things to celebrate and you’ll find things to celebrate.

So how are you going to spend today? Choosing to focus on what’s not working or choosing to focus on what you can celebrate?

Celebrate YOU!!! Even if it is not your birthday, celebrate that you woke up this morning. That you can read or hear this message. That the Sun rises in the East every day, even when the clouds keep you from seeing it. Celebrate that you can go to Starbucks and get a ‘hello’ even if you don’t get a cappuccino. Celebrate someone else by contacting them just to say ‘hello.’

Surround yourself with the energy of celebration today and watch how many things you can celebrate tomorrow!

ROSEMARY’S INSPIRATION: Find something to celebrate!

August 10, 2015 Leave a comment

Rosemary’s “two minute” video: Find something to celebrate!
