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Struggling? You’re Not Alone! –Richard’s Commentary

I don’t know about you but at first blush I am not comforted by Rosemary’s words that I am “not alone” in the struggles I am experiencing. Of course, what she means is not so much that I am in good company but rather that I can reach out for help because help is always there.

I don’t live vicariously. Yes, I am happy when others are happy; but I don’t seek happiness through others. And yes, I feel sad when others are sad; but I realize my sadness does not help them feel better. So, feeling that others are struggling along with me through these tumultuous times, does not ease my struggle. But finding help does!

I am fortunate to live with someone who is of great help. Rosemary is very generous with me and invites me to her events free-of-charge! Well, yes, I do offer her technical support for these events so there is an exchange of services offered. The real point here is I get great advice, especially when Rosemary hosts a Conversation with The Other Side! This was the case Monday evening, this past May 20th. And it was a great group of people who joined us, mostly online by internet and phone! As always the messages for each individual resonated with the entire group. And, I too received personal messages.

As is typical of these Conversations there were themes and key phrases and words that kept coming up for individuals and the group. Interestingly one of these words was “trying.” People seemed to be “trying to be themselves”, “trying to let go”, ”trying to be present”, “trying to trust” etc. The guides on The Other Side equated this “trying” with “struggling.” They said “trying” doesn’t do it; it doesn’t get the job done. It is a struggle to “try” so give it up. Their advice is to just “be.” Accept things as they are and look for support where it is always available.

There were several stories through the evening of Angel support: car accidents avoided, slips and near falls that didn’t result in falls, help with financial matters. How often do you stop and think to ask your Angels for support? Have you ever experienced an “almost-accident” that didn’t happen and you have no explanation of how you avoided it? Could it have been your Guardian Angel? One participant does work with Angel energy; but she even received advice to ask for their help! I for one am going to start asking my Angels for their help through times of struggle.

Part of my message was about my struggle with “shoulds.” This is a struggle against who I really am, a struggle to fit someone else’s definition of “who I should be.” The message was to “let go and trust.” Trust was another theme of the evening. Struggle comes from not trusting. It is so much easier to simply relax into a trusting mode that everything is working out as it will (not as it “should.”).

Rosemary’s Conversations are always powerful and filled with wonderful advice. Often it is both specific to the individual receiving the messages and Universal in application to the entire group that assembles. The messages from Monday were no exception. And as a special offer to my readers I will add my message in tomorrow’s (Friday’s) post. Be sure to tune in for that message!

And be sure to “tune-in” for the next Conversation Rosemary offers. You won’t be sorry! You might even get advice on how to stop the struggle and go with the flow! I sure did.


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